Tuesday, 23 July 2013

E-Cigs: Let’s Have a Look Inside

e cig
The history of the electronic cigarette, eCig, personal vaporizer or whatever cute nickname you have given yours goes 50 years back, when Herbert A. Gilbert invented the functioning mechanisms. But the idea never materialized and Gilbert never saw his invention being used. It was only in 2000 when a Chinese pharmacist experimented with a similar concept and managed to patent his invention. The product was first
introduced to the Chinese market and ever since people all over the world have been enjoying flavored vapors without bothering the people around them.
But in order to better understand the product, let’s have a look inside at its components, which are more or less the same regardless of the electronic cigarette model.

The Cartridge

The cartridge serves both as mouthpiece and liquid reservoir. Every time you inhale, a pressure sensor activates the battery that powers the atomizer, which heats up and, upon heating, the liquid turns into vapors. Many electronic cigarette models have a plastic sponge inside the cartage in order to keep the liquid in place, but it is common to find refillable tanks which hold in the liquid, having a separate tunnel which connects to the atomizer. When the liquid is consumed, users can refill it or replace with another cartridge. A single can equal up to 250 puffs, as it is with the blu cig flavored ones.

The Atomizer

The atomizer is the component which assures the vaporizing of the smoke liquid and has a lot of names in the world of manufacturing or electronic cigarette use, but all these names express the same thing: a component that turns liquid into vapor, liquid which is inside the cartridge
This component consists of a filament that heats up. Together with other components around it, this filament ensures the functioning of the cigarette. Latest atomizers have been connected with the cartridge in a single component called a cartomizer. In time, the atomizer gets worn out and loses its efficiency. Although it is still able to function, it needs to be replaced at certain time intervals, depending on how often you use it.

The Battery

The battery is the primary component of an electronic cigarette, which provides the cigarette with the necessary energy to function by fueling the atomizer. It is actually a key element, because a good battery has a longer life and provides many pleasant vapors for a prolonged period. If the battery is of poor quality, then it will drain quickly or it will not provide sufficient energy from the very beginning. A good advice would be to be extra careful when choosing the battery for your eCig and maybe consulting your provider. Many electronic cigarettes batteries are equipped with a colored tip that lights up with each puff or flashes rapidly when it needs recharging.

Along with these three major components and a basic battery charger (USB cable, car charger or wall charger) most producers offer a variety of flavors, from tobacco and menthol to fruity aromas and surprising mixes such as pina colada, cappuccino or schnapps, making the entire vaping experience even more enjoyable. 

1 Responses to “E-Cigs: Let’s Have a Look Inside”

Clickacig said...
7 August 2013 at 14:02

Ahh.. Electronic Cigarettes, I couldn't have explained it any better than this. there's one thing you forgot to mention though, today there's a new common electronic cigarette model that involves only of 2 parts - the cartomizer and battery combo. The cartomizer is just simply a newer, more conventional part that combines what both the cartridge and atomizer does.

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