Monday, 7 October 2013

List of 30 interesting facts about twitter

interesting facts about twitterTwitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read “tweets”, which are text messages limited to 140 characters. Twitter was developed in March 2006 and launched in July 2006, now twitter handles 1.6 billion search queries per day. There are so many interesting facts about twitter that make this social networking platform different from other social networking sites. We are providing a list of 30 Interesting facts about twitter with a hope that tricksmode readers will enjoy reading it.

1) The former name of twitter was “Twttr”, later changed to Twitter.

2) Currently Twitter has 14 million registered users.

3) 32% of total internet population is using twitter.

4) On March 21, 2006 co-founder Jack Dorsey sent the first tweet, the tweet was “Just setting up my twttr”.

5) It took 3 years, 2 months and 1 day to get to the billionth tweet. However, today it only takes one week for users to send a billion tweets.

6) Twitter gets 10 tweets per second.

7) An average twitter user has 126 followers and he/she has twitted an average of around 307 times.

8) The most retweeted tweet ever on twitter is Barack Obama’s (@BarackObama) victory tweet. It was tweeted more than 800,000 times. The tweet was “Four more years”.

9) The most followed brand on twitter is “Youtube” with more than 19 million followers.

10) 40% of registered twitter users have never sent a single tweet.

11) 16 days London Olympics generated around 150 million tweets.

12) There were 13.7 million football-related tweets during 2012 super bowl, 1 million of which appeared in the game’s final 5 minutes.

13) During the “Castle in the Sky” TV screening there were 25,088 tweets/second, The most ever.

14) Sweden has an official tweeter account which works on a simple concept of letting every willing Sweden citizens to take control of it for a week. The person handling the account for a particular week gets full freedom to tweet whatever he/she likes. They are also free to update profile bio and pictures. The twitter handle of Sweden official account is @sweden.

15) A twitter account (actually a bot) developed by Adam parrish in December 2007 is tweeting every work of English language on Twitter. Since then, this twitter bot has tweeted more than 100000 tweets containing 1 word in each tweet. The task of tweeting every word of English language will complete in 2013.
The twitter handle of this twitter bot is @everyword.

16) An Oxford history graduate Alwyn collinson, is narrating world war II on Twitter in real time. Currently his twitter account has around 6500 tweets and 300000 followers. Follow Alwyn collinson (@RealTimeWWII) if history interests you.

17) In October 2006, Evan Williams, CEO of Odeo acquired twitter.

18) Current worth of twitter is around $11 billion.

19) In November 2008, Twitter rebuffed a $500 million acquisition offer by social networking giant facebook. That time twitter had around six million registered users.

20) In April 2009, Ashton Kutcher became the first celebrity to amass 1 million followers on twitter.

21) In May 2009, Astronaut Mike massimino (@astro_mike) made the first ever tweet from out space, the tweet was “From orbit: Launch was awesome!! I am feeling great, working hard, & enjoying the magnificent views, the adventure of a lifetime has begun!”.

22) In May 2011, a Pakistani IT consultant named Sohaib Athar tweeted, “Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event).” He unknowingly broke the news of US Navy Seals raid on Osama bin Laden’s home in Pakistan before any media outlet. Bin Laden was killed during the operation.

23) In December 2011, Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal acquired $300 million stake in twitter by purchasing shares from existing investors.

24) The 2012 US election broke records with 31.7 million political tweets. This day was far the most tweeted about event in US political history.

25) Lady Gaga is the most followed twitterer, with almost 33 million followers. She gains follower faster than twitter gets new users.

26) Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and katy Perry have more twitter followers than the entire populations of Germany,South Africa, Turkey, Canada,Egypt and Argentina.

27) 60% of total twitter users are female.

28) 92% of retweets are based on interesting content. Rests of due to inclusion of Please retweet in the tweet.

29) Between 2008 to 2011, there was an increase of 5,000% in number of employees at twitter.

30) Infographics are most shared content on twitter, it get more than 832% retweets than images and articles.

So, Here comes the end of list of 30 interesting, if you have any other interesting fact about twitter then please drop it in comment section below, we will try our best to include that fact in our list of interesting twitter facts.

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