Saturday, 27 July 2013

21 Secret Google Tricks and Easter Eggs

google icon
Everyone knows Google is leading the web nowadays. It is a giant search engine produces millions of search results in seconds. Besides Searching, Google also provides other kind of services like social networking, mails, maps, books, news and hundreds more. But today our main intention is to explore the 21 secret Google tricks that normal internet users don’t know. These hidden Google tricks are mainly based on Google searching service that we do hundreds of times a day.

So, without taking much of your time, Here is the list of top 21 Secret Google tricks.

1) Zerg Rush: 

If you want to chew up Google search result then this Google Easter egg can do it for you.
google zerg rush

To try this Secret Google trick:

  • Go to and Type Zerg Rush and press enter.
 2) elgooG:

Do you want to see, how Google search results look in the mirror..? 

If yes, then do not worry. You do not have to put your laptop in front of a mirror. Just try this Google trick to see a mirror image of Google search results.

google mirror
  • To check the mirror version of Google, Goto

3) Let Me Google That For You: 

Many peoples ask stupid questions in forums, which can be easily answered by Google. This secret Google trick is the best thing that you can do with that kind of people. For example, in an online forum, if somebody asks a question like “What is the capital of united kingdom?” 
let me google that for you
Once he/she will open the given link in his browser, the site will teach him how to search Google to get an answer of that question. 

4) Google Sphere: 

Do you want to see Google moving like a globe?
If yes, then you must try this awesome Google Sphere Easter egg.
google sphere
  • To try, just go to and type Google Sphere in search field. Then press I am lucky button.
5) Do A Barrel roll: 

This Easter egg is used to give Google search results a 360-degree spin.

do a barrel roll
  • Go to and Type Do a Barrel roll.
  • Then press I am luck button to see a 360 degree spin to Google search results.
6) Tilt: 

You can see a Tilt effect in Google search results by searching Tilt on

7) Google Gravity: 

This one is my favorite Google Easter egg. With this, you can see the effect of gravity on Google homepage as well as on search results.
google gravity

To try this Secret Google trick:

  • Go to Google and type Google Gravity in search bar.
  • Now press I am feeling lucky button to see the Google homepage falling down.
Even after this make a search, You will see that search results are also falling. 

8) Weenie Google:

This Google Easter egg shows a Google version in small fonts.
weenie google 
  • To try, go to and type Weenie Google and Click I am feeling lucky button.
9) Epic Google: 

This is so called big brother of weenie Google. You can see a big font version of Google with it.

  • To try, Type Epic Google and press I am feeling lucky button.
10) Google Terminal:

Are you a network administrator, who works most of the time on terminal?

Then, why don’t you try to search Google as like terminal. This Google Easter egg will show you the terminal version of Google.

  • To try Google as command prompt terminal, just go to and type Google Terminal.

  • After that, Press I am feeling lucky button to see the Google trick.
11) Google Pacman:

This is a Google doodle trick which helps you to play Pacman on Google’s homepage.

  • To try this Google doodle trick, go to and type Google Pacman.
  • Click on I am feeling lucky button. 
12) Google Underwater: 

Now you do not need to put your laptop or Smartphone in water to see how Google looks underwater. With the help of this secret Google trick you can view the underwater version of Google.
google underwater
  • To try Google underwater, go to
  • Type Google Underwater in search bar.
  • Press I am feeling lucky.
13) Google Guitar: 

If you are a guitarist then you will surely love this Google trick. With this Google Easter egg, you can play guitar with the help of a Google doodle. This google doodle also provides  a way to record your music.
google guitar

  • Go to and type Google guitar in search field.
  • Press I am feeling lucky button
Now press the codes given below to play selected tunes.

14) Find Chuck Norris: 

This is a quite funny Google trick, when you search for find chuck Norris using I am feeling lucky button
google chuck norris

 Google shows results “Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you."

15) Google Loco: 

Want to see how Google dances?
Then, this secret Google trick will surely help you to make Google dance.

google loco dance
  • To try, go to and type Google Loco.
  • Then press I am feeling lucky button.
16) Dark Google: 

With this Google Easter egg, you can change the background of Google to black color.
Dark Google I am feeling lucky

To try this secret google trick:

  • Go to and type Dark Google.
  • Then press I am feeling lucky button.

17) Google Rainbow: 

With this Google trick, you can see Google as a rainbow. To try Google Rainbow,
  • Go to and type Google Rainbow.
  • Then press I am feeling lucky button.
18) Google Pirates: 

To use Google as pirates,
google pirates

  • Go to and type Google pirates.
  • Click on I am feeling lucky button.
19) Google Hacker: 

If you are familiar with hacking then you probably know about the hacker’s community language. Hackers use leet language, which is an alternative alphabet for English language. For example, they write shopping as $h0pp1n9.

language is a trend in hacker's community. If you want to use Google’s leet version then,

  • First, go to and type Google hacker.
  • Now press I am feeling lucky button to start using Google in leet language.

20) Use Google without Internet Connection: 

Yes, you read it right; we can also search Google with text message offline.

For more information, read this article on How to access google with sms offline.

21) Atari Breakout:

This Easter egg is one of the most popular one. You can play Atari Breakout with this cool google easter egg.

Atari breakout

All you have to do is, just search Atari Breakout on Google image search

So, Here comes the end of the article, You can also share your favorite secret google tricks or easter eggs in comment section below.

2 Responses to “21 Secret Google Tricks and Easter Eggs”

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